So our tracker player should have: song = how much channels are used, speed, repeat song at position x (0 = no repeat), order of patterns to be played pattern = length of the pattern?,instrument, note, volume?, effect, (every channel has it's own pattern. In a classic mod, all channels are included in the same pattern) instrument = or the sample, or the synth instrument (with an optional indication of which portion of the sample can be repeated to hold a sustained note) We need people who can actually help creating such a player. ``` Song ={3, 64, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4} patterns channel1 = { pattern1ch1, pattern2ch1, pattern3ch1, pattern4ch1} patterns channel2 = { pattern1ch2, pattern2ch2, pattern3ch2, pattern4ch2} patterns channel3 = { pattern1ch3, pattern2ch3, pattern3ch3, pattern4ch3} pattern1ch1[64] = {5448, 5801, 3d16, 0024, 0000, 404b, 1400, 0c00, ...} pattern1ch2[0] = {} pattern1ch2[4] = {2c00, 3600, 2600, 3500, ..} instrument 1 = .. instrument 2 = .. instrument 3 = .. instrument 4 = .. instrument 5 = .. ```