/* Breakout Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian Goscik All rights reserved. Modifications by Scott Allen 2016, 2018, 2020 after previous changes by person(s) unknown. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include <Arduboy2.h> // block in EEPROM to save high scores #define EE_FILE 2 // EEPROM space used: 35 bytes (7*(3+2)) starting at // EEPROM_STORAGE_SPACE_START + (EE_FILE * 35) Arduboy2 arduboy; BeepPin1 beep; constexpr uint8_t frameRate = 40; // Frame rate in frames per second // Tone frequencies. Converted to count values for the beep class constexpr uint16_t tonePaddle = beep.freq(200); // Ball hits paddle constexpr uint16_t toneBrick = beep.freq(261); // Ball hits a brick constexpr uint16_t toneEdge = beep.freq(523); // Ball hits top or sides constexpr uint16_t toneMiss = beep.freq(175); // Ball misses paddle, lose life constexpr uint16_t toneInitialsChange = beep.freq(523); // Change initials constexpr uint16_t toneInitialsMove = beep.freq(1046); // Select initials // Tone durations constexpr uint8_t toneTimeBeep = 250 / (1000 / frameRate); // Game (frames) constexpr uint16_t toneTimeMiss = 500; // Miss paddle (milliseconds) constexpr uint16_t toneTimeInitials = 80; // Initials entry (milliseconds) constexpr unsigned int columns = 13; //Columns of bricks constexpr unsigned int rows = 4; //Rows of bricks int dx = -1; //Initial movement of ball int dy = -1; //Initial movement of ball int xb; //Ball's starting position int yb; //Ball's starting position boolean released; //If the ball has been released by the player boolean paused = false; //If the game has been paused byte xPaddle; //X position of paddle boolean isHit[rows][columns]; //Array of if bricks are hit or not boolean bounced=false; //Used to fix double bounce glitch byte lives = 3; //Amount of lives byte level = 1; //Current level unsigned int score=0; //Score for the game unsigned int brickCount; //Amount of bricks hit boolean pad, pad2, pad3; //Button press buffer used to stop pause repeating boolean oldpad, oldpad2, oldpad3; char text_buffer[16]; //General string buffer boolean start=false; //If in menu or in game boolean initialDraw=false;//If the inital draw has happened char initials[3]; //Initials used in high score //Ball Bounds used in collision detection byte leftBall; byte rightBall; byte topBall; byte bottomBall; //Brick Bounds used in collision detection byte leftBrick; byte rightBrick; byte topBrick; byte bottomBrick; byte tick; void setup() { arduboy.begin(); beep.begin(); arduboy.setFrameRate(frameRate); arduboy.initRandomSeed(); } void loop() { // pause render until it's time for the next frame if (!(arduboy.nextFrame())) return; // Handle the timing and stopping of tones beep.timer(); //Title screen loop switches from title screen //and high scores until FIRE is pressed while (!start) { start = titleScreen(); if (!start) { start = displayHighScores(EE_FILE); } } //Initial level draw if (!initialDraw) { //Clears the screen arduboy.clear(); //Selects Font //Draws the new level level = 1; initialDraw=true; newLevel(); score = 0; } if (lives>0) { drawPaddle(); //Pause game if FIRE pressed pad = arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON) || arduboy.pressed(B_BUTTON); if(pad == true && oldpad == false && released) { oldpad2 = false; //Forces pad loop 2 to run once pause(); } oldpad = pad; drawBall(); if(brickCount == rows * columns) { level++; newLevel(); } } else { drawGameOver(); if (score > 0) { enterHighScore(EE_FILE); } arduboy.clear(); initialDraw=false; start=false; lives=3; newLevel(); } arduboy.display(); } void movePaddle() { //Move right if(xPaddle < WIDTH - 12) { if (arduboy.pressed(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { xPaddle+=2; } } //Move left if(xPaddle > 0) { if (arduboy.pressed(LEFT_BUTTON)) { xPaddle-=2; } } } void moveBall() { tick++; if(released) { //Move ball if (abs(dx)==2) { xb += dx/2; // 2x speed is really 1.5 speed if (tick%2==0) xb += dx/2; } else { xb += dx; } yb=yb + dy; //Set bounds leftBall = xb; rightBall = xb + 2; topBall = yb; bottomBall = yb + 2; //Bounce off top edge if (yb <= 0) { yb = 2; dy = -dy; playTone(toneEdge, toneTimeBeep); } //Lose a life if bottom edge hit if (yb >= 64) { arduboy.drawRect(xPaddle, 63, 11, 1, BLACK); xPaddle = 54; yb=60; released = false; lives--; playToneTimed(toneMiss, toneTimeMiss); if (random(0, 2) == 0) { dx = 1; } else { dx = -1; } } //Bounce off left side if (xb <= 0) { xb = 2; dx = -dx; playTone(toneEdge, toneTimeBeep); } //Bounce off right side if (xb >= WIDTH - 2) { xb = WIDTH - 4; dx = -dx; playTone(toneEdge, toneTimeBeep); } //Bounce off paddle if (xb+1>=xPaddle && xb<=xPaddle+12 && yb+2>=63 && yb<=64) { dy = -dy; dx = ((xb-(xPaddle+6))/3); //Applies spin on the ball // prevent straight bounce if (dx == 0) { dx = (random(0, 2) == 1) ? 1 : -1; } playTone(tonePaddle, toneTimeBeep); } //Bounce off Bricks for (byte row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (byte column = 0; column < columns; column++) { if (!isHit[row][column]) { //Sets Brick bounds leftBrick = 10 * column; rightBrick = 10 * column + 10; topBrick = 6 * row + 1; bottomBrick = 6 * row + 7; //If A collison has occured if (topBall <= bottomBrick && bottomBall >= topBrick && leftBall <= rightBrick && rightBall >= leftBrick) { Score(); brickCount++; isHit[row][column] = true; arduboy.drawRect(10*column, 2+6*row, 8, 4, BLACK); //Vertical collision if (bottomBall > bottomBrick || topBall < topBrick) { //Only bounce once each ball move if(!bounced) { dy =- dy; yb += dy; bounced = true; playTone(toneBrick, toneTimeBeep); } } //Hoizontal collision if (leftBall < leftBrick || rightBall > rightBrick) { //Only bounce once brick each ball move if(!bounced) { dx =- dx; xb += dx; bounced = true; playTone(toneBrick, toneTimeBeep); } } } } } } //Reset Bounce bounced = false; } else { //Ball follows paddle xb=xPaddle + 5; //Release ball if FIRE pressed pad3 = arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON) || arduboy.pressed(B_BUTTON); if (pad3 == true && oldpad3 == false) { released = true; //Apply random direction to ball on release if (random(0, 2) == 0) { dx = 1; } else { dx = -1; } //Makes sure the ball heads upwards dy = -1; } oldpad3 = pad3; } } void drawBall() { arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb+1, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb+1, BLACK); moveBall(); arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb, WHITE); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb, WHITE); arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb+1, WHITE); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb+1, WHITE); } void drawPaddle() { arduboy.drawRect(xPaddle, 63, 11, 1, BLACK); movePaddle(); arduboy.drawRect(xPaddle, 63, 11, 1, WHITE); } void drawGameOver() { arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb+1, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb+1, BLACK); arduboy.setCursor(37, 42); arduboy.print("Game Over"); arduboy.setCursor(31, 56); arduboy.print("Score: "); arduboy.print(score); arduboy.display(); arduboy.delayShort(4000); } void pause() { paused = true; //Stop tone if playing beep.noTone(); //Draw pause to the screen arduboy.setCursor(52, 45); arduboy.print("PAUSE"); arduboy.display(); while (paused) { arduboy.delayShort(150); //Unpause if FIRE is pressed pad2 = arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON) || arduboy.pressed(B_BUTTON); if (pad2 == true && oldpad2 == false && released) { arduboy.fillRect(52, 45, 30, 11, BLACK); paused=false; } oldpad2 = pad2; } } void Score() { score += (level*10); } void newLevel() { //Undraw paddle arduboy.drawRect(xPaddle, 63, 11, 1, BLACK); //Undraw ball arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb, yb+1, BLACK); arduboy.drawPixel(xb+1, yb+1, BLACK); //Alter various variables to reset the game xPaddle = 54; yb = 60; brickCount = 0; released = false; //Draws new bricks and resets their values for (byte row = 0; row < 4; row++) { for (byte column = 0; column < 13; column++) { isHit[row][column] = false; arduboy.drawRect(10*column, 2+6*row, 8, 4, WHITE); } } if (!initialDraw) { arduboy.clear(); } else { arduboy.display(); } } //Used to delay images while reading button input boolean pollFireButton(int n) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { arduboy.delayShort(15); pad = arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON) || arduboy.pressed(B_BUTTON); if(pad == true && oldpad == false) { oldpad3 = true; //Forces pad loop 3 to run once return true; } oldpad = pad; } return false; } //Function by nootropic design to display highscores boolean displayHighScores(byte file) { byte y = 8; byte x = 24; // Each block of EEPROM has 7 high scores, and each high score entry // is 5 bytes long: 3 bytes for initials and two bytes for score. int address = file * 7 * 5 + EEPROM_STORAGE_SPACE_START; byte hi, lo; arduboy.clear(); arduboy.setCursor(32, 0); arduboy.print("HIGH SCORES"); arduboy.display(); for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { sprintf(text_buffer, "%2d", i+1); arduboy.setCursor(x, y+(i*8)); arduboy.print(text_buffer); arduboy.display(); hi = EEPROM.read(address + (5*i)); lo = EEPROM.read(address + (5*i) + 1); if ((hi == 0xFF) && (lo == 0xFF)) { score = 0; } else { score = (hi << 8) | lo; } initials[0] = (char)EEPROM.read(address + (5*i) + 2); initials[1] = (char)EEPROM.read(address + (5*i) + 3); initials[2] = (char)EEPROM.read(address + (5*i) + 4); if (score > 0) { sprintf(text_buffer, "%c%c%c %u", initials[0], initials[1], initials[2], score); arduboy.setCursor(x + 24, y + (i*8)); arduboy.print(text_buffer); arduboy.display(); } } if (pollFireButton(300)) { return true; } return false; arduboy.display(); } boolean titleScreen() { //Clears the screen arduboy.clear(); arduboy.setCursor(16, 22); arduboy.setTextSize(2); arduboy.print("BREAKOUT"); arduboy.setTextSize(1); arduboy.display(); if (pollFireButton(25)) { return true; } //Flash "Press FIRE" 5 times for(byte i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //Draws "Press FIRE" arduboy.setCursor(31, 53); arduboy.print("PRESS FIRE!"); arduboy.display(); if (pollFireButton(50)) { return true; } //Removes "Press FIRE" arduboy.setCursor(31, 53); arduboy.print(" "); arduboy.display(); if (pollFireButton(25)) { return true; } } return false; } //Function by nootropic design to add high scores void enterInitials() { byte index = 0; arduboy.clear(); initials[0] = ' '; initials[1] = ' '; initials[2] = ' '; while (true) { arduboy.display(); arduboy.clear(); arduboy.setCursor(16, 0); arduboy.print("HIGH SCORE"); sprintf(text_buffer, "%u", score); arduboy.setCursor(88, 0); arduboy.print(text_buffer); arduboy.setCursor(56, 20); arduboy.print(initials[0]); arduboy.setCursor(64, 20); arduboy.print(initials[1]); arduboy.setCursor(72, 20); arduboy.print(initials[2]); for(byte i = 0; i < 3; i++) { arduboy.drawLine(56 + (i*8), 27, 56 + (i*8) + 6, 27, WHITE); } arduboy.drawLine(56, 28, 88, 28, BLACK); arduboy.drawLine(56 + (index*8), 28, 56 + (index*8) + 6, 28, WHITE); arduboy.delayShort(70); if (arduboy.pressed(LEFT_BUTTON) || arduboy.pressed(B_BUTTON)) { if (index > 0) { index--; playToneTimed(toneInitialsMove, toneTimeInitials); } } if (arduboy.pressed(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { if (index < 2) { index++; playToneTimed(toneInitialsMove, toneTimeInitials); } } if (arduboy.pressed(UP_BUTTON)) { initials[index]++; playToneTimed(toneInitialsChange, toneTimeInitials); // A-Z 0-9 :-? !-/ ' ' if (initials[index] == '0') { initials[index] = ' '; } if (initials[index] == '!') { initials[index] = 'A'; } if (initials[index] == '[') { initials[index] = '0'; } if (initials[index] == '@') { initials[index] = '!'; } } if (arduboy.pressed(DOWN_BUTTON)) { initials[index]--; playToneTimed(toneInitialsChange, toneTimeInitials); if (initials[index] == ' ') { initials[index] = '?'; } if (initials[index] == '/') { initials[index] = 'Z'; } if (initials[index] == 31) { initials[index] = '/'; } if (initials[index] == '@') { initials[index] = ' '; } } if (arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON)) { playToneTimed(toneInitialsMove, toneTimeInitials); if (index < 2) { index++; } else { return; } } } } void enterHighScore(byte file) { // Each block of EEPROM has 7 high scores, and each high score entry // is 5 bytes long: 3 bytes for initials and two bytes for score. int address = file * 7 * 5 + EEPROM_STORAGE_SPACE_START; byte hi, lo; char tmpInitials[3]; unsigned int tmpScore = 0; // High score processing for(byte i = 0; i < 7; i++) { hi = EEPROM.read(address + (5*i)); lo = EEPROM.read(address + (5*i) + 1); if ((hi == 0xFF) && (lo == 0xFF)) { // The values are uninitialized, so treat this entry // as a score of 0. tmpScore = 0; } else { tmpScore = (hi << 8) | lo; } if (score > tmpScore) { enterInitials(); for(byte j = i; j < 7; j++) { hi = EEPROM.read(address + (5*j)); lo = EEPROM.read(address + (5*j) + 1); if ((hi == 0xFF) && (lo == 0xFF)) { tmpScore = 0; } else { tmpScore = (hi << 8) | lo; } tmpInitials[0] = (char)EEPROM.read(address + (5*j) + 2); tmpInitials[1] = (char)EEPROM.read(address + (5*j) + 3); tmpInitials[2] = (char)EEPROM.read(address + (5*j) + 4); // write score and initials to current slot EEPROM.update(address + (5*j), ((score >> 8) & 0xFF)); EEPROM.update(address + (5*j) + 1, (score & 0xFF)); EEPROM.update(address + (5*j) + 2, initials[0]); EEPROM.update(address + (5*j) + 3, initials[1]); EEPROM.update(address + (5*j) + 4, initials[2]); // tmpScore and tmpInitials now hold what we want to //write in the next slot. score = tmpScore; initials[0] = tmpInitials[0]; initials[1] = tmpInitials[1]; initials[2] = tmpInitials[2]; } score = 0; initials[0] = ' '; initials[1] = ' '; initials[2] = ' '; return; } } } // Play a tone at a frequency coresponding to the specified precomputed count, // for the specified number of frames. void playTone(uint16_t count, uint8_t frames) { beep.tone(count, frames); } // Play a tone at a frequency coresponding to the specified precomputed count, // for the specified duration in milliseconds, using a delay. // Used when beep.timer() isn't being called. void playToneTimed(uint16_t count, uint16_t duration) { beep.tone(count); arduboy.delayShort(duration); beep.noTone(); }