#ifndef ARDUBOYFX_H #define ARDUBOYFX_H #include <Arduboy2.h> #ifdef CART_CS_RX #define FX_PORT PORTD #define FX_BIT PORTD2 #else #define FX_PORT PORTD #define FX_BIT PORTD1 #endif //progam data and save data pages(set by PC manager tool) constexpr uint16_t FX_VECTOR_KEY_VALUE = 0x9518; /* RETI instruction used a magic key */ constexpr uint16_t FX_DATA_VECTOR_KEY_POINTER = 0x0014; /* reserved interrupt vector 5 area */ constexpr uint16_t FX_DATA_VECTOR_PAGE_POINTER = 0x0016; constexpr uint16_t FX_SAVE_VECTOR_KEY_POINTER = 0x0018; /* reserved interrupt vector 6 area */ constexpr uint16_t FX_SAVE_VECTOR_PAGE_POINTER = 0x001A; //Serial Flash Commands constexpr uint8_t SFC_JEDEC_ID = 0x9F; constexpr uint8_t SFC_READSTATUS1 = 0x05; constexpr uint8_t SFC_READSTATUS2 = 0x35; constexpr uint8_t SFC_READSTATUS3 = 0x15; constexpr uint8_t SFC_READ = 0x03; constexpr uint8_t SFC_WRITE_ENABLE = 0x06; constexpr uint8_t SFC_WRITE = 0x04; constexpr uint8_t SFC_ERASE = 0x20; constexpr uint8_t SFC_RELEASE_POWERDOWN = 0xAB; constexpr uint8_t SFC_POWERDOWN = 0xB9; //drawbitmap bit flags (used by modes below and internally) constexpr uint8_t dbfWhiteBlack = 0; // bitmap is used as mask constexpr uint8_t dbfInvert = 1; // bitmap is exclusive or-ed with display constexpr uint8_t dbfBlack = 2; // bitmap will be blackened constexpr uint8_t dbfReverseBlack = 3; // reverses bitmap data constexpr uint8_t dbfMasked = 4; // bitmap contains mask data constexpr uint8_t dbfExtraRow = 7; // ignored (internal use) //drawBitmap modes with same behaviour as Arduboy library drawBitmap modes constexpr uint8_t dbmBlack = _BV(dbfReverseBlack) | // white pixels in bitmap will be drawn as black pixels on display _BV(dbfBlack) | // black pixels in bitmap will not change pixels on display _BV(dbfWhiteBlack); // (same as sprites drawErase) constexpr uint8_t dbmWhite = _BV(dbfWhiteBlack); // white pixels in bitmap will be drawn as white pixels on display // black pixels in bitmap will not change pixels on display //(same as sprites drawSelfMasked) constexpr uint8_t dbmInvert = _BV(dbfInvert); // when a pixel in bitmap has a different color than on display the // pixel on display will be drawn as white. In all other cases the // pixel will be drawn as black //additional drawBitmap modes constexpr uint8_t dbmNormal = 0; // White pixels in bitmap will be drawn as white pixels on display constexpr uint8_t dbmOverwrite = 0; // Black pixels in bitmap will be drawn as black pixels on display // (Same as sprites drawOverwrite) constexpr uint8_t dbmReverse = _BV(dbfReverseBlack); // White pixels in bitmap will be drawn as black pixels on display // Black pixels in bitmap will be drawn as white pixels on display constexpr uint8_t dbmMasked = _BV(dbfMasked); // The bitmap contains a mask that will determine which pixels are // drawn and which will remain // (same as sprites drawPlusMask) // Note above modes may be combined like (dbmMasked | dbmReverse) using uint24_t = __uint24; struct JedecID { uint8_t manufacturer; uint8_t device; uint8_t size; }; struct FXAddress { uint16_t page; uint8_t offset; }; class FX { public: static inline void enableOLED() __attribute__((always_inline)) // selects OLED display. { CS_PORT &= ~(1 << CS_BIT); }; static inline void disableOLED() __attribute__((always_inline)) // deselects OLED display. { CS_PORT |= (1 << CS_BIT); }; static inline void enable() __attribute__((always_inline)) // selects external flash memory and allows new commands { FX_PORT &= ~(1 << FX_BIT); }; static inline void disable() __attribute__((always_inline)) // deselects external flash memory and ends the last command { FX_PORT |= (1 << FX_BIT); }; static inline void wait() __attribute__((always_inline)) // wait for a pending flash transfer to complete { while ((SPSR & _BV(SPIF)) == 0); } static uint8_t writeByte(uint8_t data); // write a single byte to flash memory. static inline void writeByteBeforeWait(uint8_t data) __attribute__((always_inline)) { SPDR = data; asm volatile("nop\n"); wait(); } static inline void writeByteAfterWait(uint8_t data) __attribute__((always_inline)) { wait(); SPDR = data; } static uint8_t readByte(); //read a single byte from flash memory static void displayPrefetch(uint24_t address, uint8_t* target, uint16_t len, bool clear); static void begin(); // Initializes flash memory. Use only when program does not require data and save areas in flash memory static void begin(uint16_t programDataPage); // Initializes flash memory. Use when program depends on data in flash memory static void begin(uint16_t datapage, uint16_t savepage); // Initializes flash memory. Use when program depends on both data and save data in flash memory static void readJedecID(JedecID* id); static bool detect(); //detect presence of initialized flash memory static void noFXReboot(); // flash RGB LED red and wait for DOWN button to exit to bootloader when no initialized external flash memory is present static void writeCommand(uint8_t command); // write a single byte flash command static void wakeUp(); // Wake up flash memory from power down mode static void sleep(); // Put flash memory in power down mode for low power static void writeEnable();// Puts flash memory in write mode, required prior to any write command static void seekCommand(uint8_t command, uint24_t address);// Write command and selects flash memory address. Required by any read or write command static void seekData(uint24_t address); // selects flashaddress of program data area for reading and starts the first read static void seekDataArray(uint24_t address, uint8_t index, uint8_t offset, uint8_t elementSize); static void seekSave(uint24_t address); // selects flashaddress of program save area for reading and starts the first read static inline uint8_t readUnsafe() __attribute__((always_inline)) // read flash data without performing any checks and starts the next read. { uint8_t result = SPDR; SPDR = 0; return result; }; static inline uint8_t readUnsafeEnd() __attribute__((always_inline)) { uint8_t result = SPDR; disable(); return result; }; static uint8_t readPendingUInt8() __attribute__ ((noinline)); //read a prefetched byte from the current flash location static uint8_t readPendingLastUInt8() __attribute__ ((noinline)); //read a prefetched byte from the current flash location static uint16_t readPendingUInt16() __attribute__ ((noinline)); //read a partly prefetched 16-bit word from the current flash location static uint16_t readPendingLastUInt16() __attribute__ ((noinline)); //read a partly prefetched 16-bit word from the current flash location static uint24_t readPendingUInt24() ; //read a partly prefetched 24-bit word from the current flash location static uint24_t readPendingLastUInt24() ; //read a partly prefetched 24-bit word from the current flash location static uint32_t readPendingUInt32(); //read a partly prefetched a 32-bit word from the current flash location static uint32_t readPendingLastUInt32(); //read a partly prefetched a 32-bit word from the current flash location static void readBytes(uint8_t* buffer, size_t length);// read a number of bytes from the current flash location static void readBytesEnd(uint8_t* buffer, size_t length); // read a number of bytes from the current flash location and end the read command static uint8_t readEnd(); //read last pending byte and end read command static void readDataBytes(uint24_t address, uint8_t* buffer, size_t length); static void readSaveBytes(uint24_t address, uint8_t* buffer, size_t length); static void eraseSaveBlock(uint16_t page); static void writeSavePage(uint16_t page, uint8_t* buffer); static void drawBitmap(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint24_t address, uint8_t frame, uint8_t mode); static void readDataArray(uint24_t address, uint8_t index, uint8_t offset, uint8_t elementSize, uint8_t* buffer, size_t length); static uint8_t readIndexedUInt8(uint24_t address, uint8_t index); static uint16_t readIndexedUInt16(uint24_t address, uint8_t index); static uint24_t readIndexedUInt24(uint24_t address, uint8_t index); static uint32_t readIndexedUInt32(uint24_t address, uint8_t index); static inline uint16_t multiplyUInt8 (uint8_t a, uint8_t b) __attribute__((always_inline)) { #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR uint16_t result; asm volatile( "mul %[a], %[b] \n" "movw %A[result], r0 \n" "clr r1 \n" : [result] "=&r" (result) : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) : ); return result; #else return (a * b); #endif } static inline uint8_t bitShiftLeftUInt8(uint8_t bit) __attribute__((always_inline)) //fast (1 << (bit & 7)) { #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR uint8_t result; asm volatile( "ldi %[result], 1 \n" // 0 = 000 => 0000 0001 "sbrc %[bit], 1 \n" // 1 = 001 => 0000 0010 "ldi %[result], 4 \n" // 2 = 010 => 0000 0100 "sbrc %[bit], 0 \n" // 3 = 011 => 0000 1000 "lsl %[result] \n" "sbrc %[bit], 2 \n" // 4 = 100 => 0001 0000 "swap %[result] \n" // 5 = 101 => 0010 0000 :[result] "=&d" (result) // 6 = 110 => 0100 0000 :[bit] "r" (bit) // 7 = 111 => 1000 0000 : ); return result; #else return 1 << (bit & 7); #endif } static inline uint8_t bitShiftRightUInt8(uint8_t bit) __attribute__((always_inline)) //fast (0x80 >> (bit & 7)) { #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR uint8_t result; asm volatile( "ldi %[result], 1 \n" // 0 = 000 => 1000 0000 "sbrs %[bit], 1 \n" // 1 = 001 => 0100 0000 "ldi %[result], 4 \n" // 2 = 010 => 0010 0000 "sbrs %[bit], 0 \n" // 3 = 011 => 0001 0000 "lsl %[result] \n" "sbrs %[bit], 2 \n" // 4 = 100 => 0000 1000 "swap %[result] \n" // 5 = 101 => 0000 0100 :[result] "=&d" (result) // 6 = 110 => 0000 0010 :[bit] "r" (bit) // 7 = 111 => 0000 0001 : ); return result; #else return 0x80 >> (bit & 7); #endif } static inline uint8_t bitShiftLeftMaskUInt8(uint8_t bit) __attribute__((always_inline)) //fast (0xFF << (bit & 7) & 0xFF) { #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR uint8_t result; asm volatile( "ldi %[result], 1 \n" // 0 = 000 => 1111 1111 = -1 "sbrc %[bit], 1 \n" // 1 = 001 => 1111 1110 = -2 "ldi %[result], 4 \n" // 2 = 010 => 1111 1100 = -4 "sbrc %[bit], 0 \n" // 3 = 011 => 1111 1000 = -8 "lsl %[result] \n" "sbrc %[bit], 2 \n" // 4 = 100 => 1111 0000 = -16 "swap %[result] \n" // 5 = 101 => 1110 0000 = -32 "neg %[result] \n" // 6 = 110 => 1100 0000 = -64 :[result] "=&d" (result) // 7 = 111 => 1000 0000 = -128 :[bit] "r" (bit) : ); return result; #else return (0xFF << (bit & 7)) & 0xFF; #endif } static inline uint8_t bitShiftRightMaskUInt8(uint8_t bit) __attribute__((always_inline)) //fast (0xFF >> (bit & 7)) { #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR uint8_t result; asm volatile( "ldi %[result], 2 \n" // 0 = 000 => 1111 1111 = 0x00 - 1 "sbrs %A[bit], 1 \n" // 1 = 001 => 0111 1111 = 0x80 - 1 "ldi %[result], 8 \n" // 2 = 010 => 0011 1111 = 0x40 - 1 "sbrs %A[bit], 2 \n" // 3 = 011 => 0001 1111 = 0x20 - 1 "swap %[result] \n" "sbrs %A[bit], 0 \n" // 4 = 100 => 0000 1111 = 0x10 - 1 "lsl %[result] \n" // 5 = 101 => 0000 0111 = 0x08 - 1 "dec %[result] \n" // 6 = 110 => 0000 0011 = 0x04 - 1 :[result] "=&d" (result) // 7 = 111 => 0000 0001 = 0x02 - 1 :[bit] "r" (bit) : ); return result; #else return 0xFF >> (bit & 7); #endif } static uint16_t programDataPage; // program read only data area in flash memory static uint16_t programSavePage; // program read and write data area in flash memory }; #endif