mirror of https://github.com/MLXXXp/Arduboy2.git
759 lines
16 KiB
759 lines
16 KiB
#include "Arduboy.h"
#include "glcdfont.c"
#include "ab_logo.c"
// frame management
frameCount = 0;
nextFrameStart = 0;
post_render = false;
// init not necessary, will be reset after first use
// lastFrameStart
// lastFrameDurationMs
// font rendering
cursor_x = 0;
cursor_y = 0;
textsize = 1;
void Arduboy::start() // deprecated
void Arduboy::begin()
boot(); // required
// Audio
// this is pusposely duplicated (without logo) so that
// whichever is actually used is linked and the one
// that is not is gone without wasting any space in flash
void Arduboy::beginNoLogo()
boot(); // required
// Audio
void Arduboy::bootUtils()
// flashlight
if(pressed(UP_BUTTON)) {
// sendLCDCommand(OLED_ALL_PIXELS_ON); // smaller than allPixelsOn()
while(true) {}
void Arduboy::bootLogo()
// setRGBled(10,0,0);
for(int8_t y = -18; y<=24; y++) {
setRGBled(24-y, 0, 0);
drawBitmap(20,y, arduboy_logo, 88, 16, WHITE);
// longer delay post boot, we put it inside the loop to
// save the flash calling clear/delay again outside the loop
if (y==-16) {
/* Frame management */
void Arduboy::setFrameRate(uint8_t rate)
frameRate = rate;
eachFrameMillis = 1000/rate;
bool Arduboy::everyXFrames(uint8_t frames)
return frameCount % frames == 0;
bool Arduboy::nextFrame()
long now = millis();
uint8_t remaining;
// post render
if (post_render) {
lastFrameDurationMs = now - lastFrameStart;
post_render = false;
// if it's not time for the next frame yet
if (now < nextFrameStart) {
remaining = nextFrameStart - now;
// if we have more than 1ms to spare, lets sleep
// we should be woken up by timer0 every 1ms, so this should be ok
if (remaining > 1)
return false;
// pre-render
// technically next frame should be last frame + each frame but if we're
// running a slow render we would constnatly be behind the clock
// keep an eye on this and see how it works. If it works well the
// lastFrameStart variable could be eliminated completely
nextFrameStart = now + eachFrameMillis;
lastFrameStart = now;
post_render = true;
return post_render;
int Arduboy::cpuLoad()
return lastFrameDurationMs*100 / eachFrameMillis;
void Arduboy::initRandomSeed()
power_adc_enable(); // ADC on
randomSeed(~rawADC(ADC_TEMP) * ~rawADC(ADC_VOLTAGE) * ~micros() + micros());
power_adc_disable(); // ADC off
uint16_t Arduboy::rawADC(byte adc_bits)
ADMUX = adc_bits;
// we also need MUX5 for temperature check
if (adc_bits == ADC_TEMP) {
delay(2); // Wait for ADMUX setting to settle
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Start conversion
while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC)); // measuring
return ADC;
/* Graphics */
void Arduboy::clearDisplay() // deprecated
void Arduboy::clear()
void Arduboy::drawPixel(int x, int y, uint8_t color)
if (x < 0 || x > (WIDTH-1) || y < 0 || y > (HEIGHT-1))
uint8_t row = (uint8_t)y / 8;
if (color)
sBuffer[(row*WIDTH) + (uint8_t)x] |= _BV((uint8_t)y % 8);
sBuffer[(row*WIDTH) + (uint8_t)x] &= ~ _BV((uint8_t)y % 8);
uint8_t Arduboy::getPixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
uint8_t row = y / 8;
uint8_t bit_position = y % 8;
return (sBuffer[(row*WIDTH) + x] & _BV(bit_position)) >> bit_position;
void Arduboy::drawCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, uint8_t r, uint8_t color)
int16_t f = 1 - r;
int16_t ddF_x = 1;
int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
int16_t x = 0;
int16_t y = r;
drawPixel(x0, y0+r, color);
drawPixel(x0, y0-r, color);
drawPixel(x0+r, y0, color);
drawPixel(x0-r, y0, color);
while (x<y)
if (f >= 0)
ddF_y += 2;
f += ddF_y;
ddF_x += 2;
f += ddF_x;
drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color);
drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color);
drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color);
drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x, color);
drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x, color);
drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x, color);
void Arduboy::drawCircleHelper
(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, uint8_t r, uint8_t cornername, uint8_t color)
int16_t f = 1 - r;
int16_t ddF_x = 1;
int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
int16_t x = 0;
int16_t y = r;
while (x<y)
if (f >= 0)
ddF_y += 2;
f += ddF_y;
ddF_x += 2;
f += ddF_x;
if (cornername & 0x4)
drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x, color);
if (cornername & 0x2)
drawPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, color);
drawPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x, color);
if (cornername & 0x8)
drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, color);
if (cornername & 0x1)
drawPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x, color);
drawPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, color);
void Arduboy::fillCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, uint8_t r, uint8_t color)
drawFastVLine(x0, y0-r, 2*r+1, color);
fillCircleHelper(x0, y0, r, 3, 0, color);
void Arduboy::fillCircleHelper
(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, uint8_t r, uint8_t cornername, int16_t delta,
uint8_t color)
// used to do circles and roundrects!
int16_t f = 1 - r;
int16_t ddF_x = 1;
int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
int16_t x = 0;
int16_t y = r;
while (x < y)
if (f >= 0)
ddF_y += 2;
f += ddF_y;
ddF_x += 2;
f += ddF_x;
if (cornername & 0x1)
drawFastVLine(x0+x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
drawFastVLine(x0+y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
if (cornername & 0x2)
drawFastVLine(x0-x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
drawFastVLine(x0-y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
void Arduboy::drawLine
(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint8_t color)
// bresenham's algorithm - thx wikpedia
boolean steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
if (steep) {
swap(x0, y0);
swap(x1, y1);
if (x0 > x1) {
swap(x0, x1);
swap(y0, y1);
int16_t dx, dy;
dx = x1 - x0;
dy = abs(y1 - y0);
int16_t err = dx / 2;
int8_t ystep;
if (y0 < y1)
ystep = 1;
ystep = -1;
for (; x0 <= x1; x0++)
if (steep)
drawPixel(y0, x0, color);
drawPixel(x0, y0, color);
err -= dy;
if (err < 0)
y0 += ystep;
err += dx;
void Arduboy::drawRect
(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t color)
drawFastHLine(x, y, w, color);
drawFastHLine(x, y+h-1, w, color);
drawFastVLine(x, y, h, color);
drawFastVLine(x+w-1, y, h, color);
void Arduboy::drawFastVLine
(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t h, uint8_t color)
int end = y+h;
for (int a = max(0,y); a < min(end,HEIGHT); a++)
void Arduboy::drawFastHLine
(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t color)
int end = x+w;
for (int a = max(0,x); a < min(end,WIDTH); a++)
void Arduboy::fillRect
(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t color)
// stupidest version - update in subclasses if desired!
for (int16_t i=x; i<x+w; i++)
drawFastVLine(i, y, h, color);
void Arduboy::fillScreen(uint8_t color)
// C version :
// if (color) color = 0xFF; //change any nonzero argument to b11111111 and insert into screen array.
// for(int16_t i=0; i<1024; i++) { sBuffer[i] = color; } //sBuffer = (128*64) = 8192/8 = 1024 bytes.
asm volatile
// load color value into r27
"mov r27, %1 \n\t"
// if value is zero, skip assigning to 0xff
"cpse r27, __zero_reg__ \n\t"
"ldi r27, 0xff \n\t"
// load sBuffer pointer into Z
"movw r30, %0\n\t"
// counter = 0
"clr __tmp_reg__ \n\t"
"loopto: \n\t"
// (4x) push zero into screen buffer,
// then increment buffer position
"st Z+, r27 \n\t"
"st Z+, r27 \n\t"
"st Z+, r27 \n\t"
"st Z+, r27 \n\t"
// increase counter
"inc __tmp_reg__ \n\t"
// repeat for 256 loops
// (until counter rolls over back to 0)
"brne loopto \n\t"
// input: sBuffer, color
// modified: Z (r30, r31), r27
: "r" (sBuffer), "r" (color)
: "r30", "r31", "r27"
void Arduboy::drawRoundRect
(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t r, uint8_t color)
// smarter version
drawFastHLine(x+r, y, w-2*r, color); // Top
drawFastHLine(x+r, y+h-1, w-2*r, color); // Bottom
drawFastVLine(x, y+r, h-2*r, color); // Left
drawFastVLine(x+w-1, y+r, h-2*r, color); // Right
// draw four corners
drawCircleHelper(x+r, y+r, r, 1, color);
drawCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+r, r, 2, color);
drawCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+h-r-1, r, 4, color);
drawCircleHelper(x+r, y+h-r-1, r, 8, color);
void Arduboy::fillRoundRect
(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t r, uint8_t color)
// smarter version
fillRect(x+r, y, w-2*r, h, color);
// draw four corners
fillCircleHelper(x+w-r-1, y+r, r, 1, h-2*r-1, color);
fillCircleHelper(x+r, y+r, r, 2, h-2*r-1, color);
void Arduboy::drawTriangle
(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint8_t color)
drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
drawLine(x2, y2, x0, y0, color);
void Arduboy::fillTriangle
(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint8_t color)
int16_t a, b, y, last;
// Sort coordinates by Y order (y2 >= y1 >= y0)
if (y0 > y1)
swap(y0, y1); swap(x0, x1);
if (y1 > y2)
swap(y2, y1); swap(x2, x1);
if (y0 > y1)
swap(y0, y1); swap(x0, x1);
if(y0 == y2)
{ // Handle awkward all-on-same-line case as its own thing
a = b = x0;
if(x1 < a)
a = x1;
else if(x1 > b)
b = x1;
if(x2 < a)
a = x2;
else if(x2 > b)
b = x2;
drawFastHLine(a, y0, b-a+1, color);
int16_t dx01 = x1 - x0,
dy01 = y1 - y0,
dx02 = x2 - x0,
dy02 = y2 - y0,
dx12 = x2 - x1,
dy12 = y2 - y1,
sa = 0,
sb = 0;
// For upper part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
// 0-1 and 0-2. If y1=y2 (flat-bottomed triangle), the scanline y1
// is included here (and second loop will be skipped, avoiding a /0
// error there), otherwise scanline y1 is skipped here and handled
// in the second loop...which also avoids a /0 error here if y0=y1
// (flat-topped triangle).
if (y1 == y2)
last = y1; // Include y1 scanline
last = y1-1; // Skip it
for(y = y0; y <= last; y++)
a = x0 + sa / dy01;
b = x0 + sb / dy02;
sa += dx01;
sb += dx02;
if(a > b)
drawFastHLine(a, y, b-a+1, color);
// For lower part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
// 0-2 and 1-2. This loop is skipped if y1=y2.
sa = dx12 * (y - y1);
sb = dx02 * (y - y0);
for(; y <= y2; y++)
a = x1 + sa / dy12;
b = x0 + sb / dy02;
sa += dx12;
sb += dx02;
if(a > b)
drawFastHLine(a, y, b-a+1, color);
void Arduboy::drawBitmap
(int16_t x, int16_t y, const uint8_t *bitmap, uint8_t w, uint8_t h,
uint8_t color)
// no need to dar at all of we're offscreen
if (x+w < 0 || x > WIDTH-1 || y+h < 0 || y > HEIGHT-1)
int yOffset = abs(y) % 8;
int sRow = y / 8;
if (y < 0) {
yOffset = 8 - yOffset;
int rows = h/8;
if (h%8!=0) rows++;
for (int a = 0; a < rows; a++) {
int bRow = sRow + a;
if (bRow > (HEIGHT/8)-1) break;
if (bRow > -2) {
for (int iCol = 0; iCol<w; iCol++) {
if (iCol + x > (WIDTH-1)) break;
if (iCol + x >= 0) {
if (bRow >= 0) {
if (color == WHITE) this->sBuffer[ (bRow*WIDTH) + x + iCol ] |= pgm_read_byte(bitmap+(a*w)+iCol) << yOffset;
else if (color == BLACK) this->sBuffer[ (bRow*WIDTH) + x + iCol ] &= ~(pgm_read_byte(bitmap+(a*w)+iCol) << yOffset);
else this->sBuffer[ (bRow*WIDTH) + x + iCol ] ^= pgm_read_byte(bitmap+(a*w)+iCol) << yOffset;
if (yOffset && bRow<(HEIGHT/8)-1 && bRow > -2) {
if (color == WHITE) this->sBuffer[ ((bRow+1)*WIDTH) + x + iCol ] |= pgm_read_byte(bitmap+(a*w)+iCol) >> (8-yOffset);
else if (color == BLACK) this->sBuffer[ ((bRow+1)*WIDTH) + x + iCol ] &= ~(pgm_read_byte(bitmap+(a*w)+iCol) >> (8-yOffset));
else this->sBuffer[ ((bRow+1)*WIDTH) + x + iCol ] ^= pgm_read_byte(bitmap+(a*w)+iCol) >> (8-yOffset);
void Arduboy::drawSlowXYBitmap
(int16_t x, int16_t y, const uint8_t *bitmap, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t color)
// no need to dar at all of we're offscreen
if (x+w < 0 || x > WIDTH-1 || y+h < 0 || y > HEIGHT-1)
int16_t xi, yi, byteWidth = (w + 7) / 8;
for(yi = 0; yi < h; yi++) {
for(xi = 0; xi < w; xi++ ) {
if(pgm_read_byte(bitmap + yi * byteWidth + xi / 8) & (128 >> (xi & 7))) {
drawPixel(x + xi, y + yi, color);
void Arduboy::drawChar
(int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c, uint8_t color, uint8_t bg, uint8_t size)
boolean draw_background = bg != color;
if ((x >= WIDTH) || // Clip right
(y >= HEIGHT) || // Clip bottom
((x + 5 * size - 1) < 0) || // Clip left
((y + 8 * size - 1) < 0) // Clip top
for (int8_t i=0; i<6; i++ )
uint8_t line;
if (i == 5)
line = 0x0;
line = pgm_read_byte(font+(c*5)+i);
for (int8_t j = 0; j<8; j++)
uint8_t draw_color = (line & 0x1) ? color : bg;
if (draw_color || draw_background) {
for (uint8_t a = 0; a < size; a++ ) {
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < size; b++ ) {
drawPixel(x + (i * size) + a, y + (j * size) + b, draw_color);
line >>= 1;
void Arduboy::setCursor(int16_t x, int16_t y)
cursor_x = x;
cursor_y = y;
void Arduboy::setTextSize(uint8_t s)
// textsize must always be 1 or higher
textsize = max(1,s);
void Arduboy::setTextWrap(boolean w)
wrap = w;
size_t Arduboy::write(uint8_t c)
if (c == '\n')
cursor_y += textsize*8;
cursor_x = 0;
else if (c == '\r')
// skip em
drawChar(cursor_x, cursor_y, c, 1, 0, textsize);
cursor_x += textsize*6;
if (wrap && (cursor_x > (WIDTH - textsize*6)))
// calling ourselves recursively for 'newline' is
// 12 bytes smaller than doing the same math here
void Arduboy::display()
unsigned char* Arduboy::getBuffer()
return sBuffer;
boolean Arduboy::pressed(uint8_t buttons)
return (buttonsState() & buttons) == buttons;
boolean Arduboy::notPressed(uint8_t buttons)
return (buttonsState() & buttons) == 0;
void Arduboy::swap(int16_t& a, int16_t& b)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;