/* This sketch provides an example of using the Arduboy2 library's BeepPin1 class to play simple tones. */ /* To the extent possible under law, Scott Allen has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this BeepDemo program. */ // Comments are only provided for code dealing with tone generation or control. #include <Arduboy2.h> // There's no need to #include <Arduboy2Beep.h> // It will be included in Arduboy2.h Arduboy2 arduboy; BeepPin1 beep; // Create a class instance for speaker pin 1 //BeepPin2 beep; // For speaker pin 2, use this line instead of the line above int objectX = 0; char displayText[60]; void setup() { arduboy.begin(); arduboy.setFrameRate(25); beep.begin(); // Set up the hardware for playing tones commandText("none - Press buttons"); } void loop() { if (!arduboy.nextFrame()) { return; } // The timer() function is called once per frame, so duration values will be // the number of frames that the tone plays for. // At 25 frames per second each frame will be 40ms. beep.timer(); // handle tone duration arduboy.pollButtons(); if (arduboy.justPressed(LEFT_BUTTON)) { // Play a 523.251Hz tone (piano note C5) for 5 frames (200ms at 25 FPS) // beep.freq(523.251) is used to convert 523.251Hz to the required count beep.tone(beep.freq(523.251), 5); commandText("beep.tone(\n beep.freq(523.251),\n 5)"); } if (arduboy.justPressed(UP_BUTTON)) { // Play a 587.330Hz tone (piano note D5) for 15 frames (600ms at 25 FPS) beep.tone(beep.freq(587.330), 15); commandText("beep.tone(\n beep.freq(587.330),\n 15)"); } if (arduboy.justPressed(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { // Play a 659.255Hz tone (piano note E5) for 50 frames (2s at 25 FPS) beep.tone(beep.freq(659.255), 50); commandText("beep.tone(\n beep.freq(659.255),\n 50)"); } if (arduboy.justPressed(DOWN_BUTTON)) { // Play a 698.456Hz tone (piano note F5) until stopped // or replaced by another tone beep.tone(beep.freq(698.456)); commandText("beep.tone(\n beep.freq(698.456))"); } if (arduboy.justPressed(A_BUTTON)) { // For short tones with a duration less than a frame time, // or when timer() isn't being used, such as in a menu, // a continuous tone can be played and then stopped after a delay // but note that no other work will be done during the delay. beep.tone(beep.freq(1000)); // Play a 1000Hz tone until stopped arduboy.delayShort(30); // Delay for 30ms beep.noTone(); // Stop the tone commandText("beep.tone(\n beep.freq(1000))\n(delay 30ms)\nbeep.noTone()"); } if (arduboy.justPressed(B_BUTTON)) { beep.noTone(); // Stop the tone if one is playing commandText("beep.noTone()"); } arduboy.println(F("Last command:")); arduboy.print(displayText); // The Arduboy2 class's audio subclass controls sound muting. // For this sketch, mute or unmute can be set using the "System Control" // start up feature. (Hold B while powering up then, while still holding B, // press UP to enable sound or DOWN for mute.) if (!arduboy.audio.enabled()) { arduboy.setCursor(22, 40); arduboy.print(F("Sound is MUTED")); } arduboy.setCursor(0, 48); // The "duration" variable can be tested for non-zero to determine if a // timed tone is currently playing. if (beep.duration != 0) { arduboy.print(F("A tone is playing")); } else { arduboy.print(F("Continuous tone or\nno tone playing")); } arduboy.drawRect(objectX, 40, 6, 6); if (++objectX == WIDTH - 6) { objectX = 0; } arduboy.display(CLEAR_BUFFER); } void commandText(const char* text) { strncpy(displayText, text, sizeof displayText); displayText[sizeof displayText - 1] = '\0'; }