/*************************************************************** Play a musical composition in the background while the main sketch code runs in the foreground. The ArduboyPlaytune library must be installed to use this sketch https://github.com/Arduboy/ArduboyPlayTune The D-Pad buttons will move the text and play a tone. The A button mutes the sound. The screen is inverted when sound is muted. The B button will turn sound back on if it's muted. The score that is played contains two parts. With the DevKit only one part is played. ***************************************************************/ #include <Arduboy2.h> #include <ArduboyPlaytune.h> // 2 Part Inventions No. 3 - J.S. 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tunes.toneMutesScore(true); // mute the score when a tone is sounding #endif arduboy.invert(!arduboy.audio.enabled()); // invert display if sound muted } int x = 20, y = 10; // initial text position void loop() { // pause render until it's time for the next frame if (!(arduboy.nextFrame())) return; if (arduboy.pressed(UP_BUTTON)) { y-=1; tunes.tone(1175,300); } else if (arduboy.pressed(DOWN_BUTTON)) { y+=1; tunes.tone(1397,300); } else if (arduboy.pressed(LEFT_BUTTON)) { x-=1; tunes.tone(1047,300); } else if (arduboy.pressed(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { x+=1; tunes.tone(1319,300); } if (arduboy.pressed(A_BUTTON)) { arduboy.invert(true); arduboy.audio.off(); } else if (arduboy.pressed(B_BUTTON)) { arduboy.invert(false); arduboy.audio.on(); } arduboy.clear(); arduboy.setCursor(x,y); arduboy.print("Music"); arduboy.setCursor(x+8,y+24); arduboy.print("Demo"); arduboy.display(); // play the tune if we aren't already if (!tunes.playing()) tunes.playScore(score); }