/* RGBled This sketch demonstrates controlling the Arduboy's RGB LED, in both analog and digital modes. */ /* Written in 2018 by Scott Allen saydisp-git@yahoo.ca To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. */ #include <Arduboy2.h> // The frame rate determines the button auto-repeat rate #define FRAME_RATE 25 // The increment/decrement amount when auto-repeating #define REPEAT_AMOUNT 3 // Delay time before button auto-repeat starts, in milliseconds #define REPEAT_DELAY 700 // Calculation of the number of frames to wait before button auto-repeat starts #define DELAY_FRAMES (REPEAT_DELAY / (1000 / FRAME_RATE)) #define ANALOG false #define DIGITAL true #define ANALOG_MAX 255 // Color array index enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE, COUNT }; // Map LED color index to LED name const byte LEDpin[(byte)(Color::COUNT)] = { RED_LED, GREEN_LED, BLUE_LED }; Arduboy2 arduboy; // Analog LED values byte analogValue[3] = { 0, 0, 0}; // Digital LED states byte digitalState[3] = { RGB_OFF, RGB_OFF, RGB_OFF }; byte analogSelected = (byte)(Color::RED); byte digitalSelected = (byte)(Color::RED); boolean controlMode = ANALOG; // Button repeat handling unsigned int delayCount = 0; boolean repeating = false; // ============================= SETUP =================================== void setup() { arduboy.begin(); arduboy.setFrameRate(FRAME_RATE); analogSet(); } // ======================================================================= // =========================== MAIN LOOP ================================= void loop() { if (!arduboy.nextFrame()) { return; } arduboy.pollButtons(); // Toggle analog/digital control mode if (arduboy.justPressed(A_BUTTON)) { if ((controlMode = !controlMode) == DIGITAL) { arduboy.freeRGBled(); digitalSet(); } else { analogSet(); } } // Reset to Analog mode and all LEDs off if (arduboy.justPressed(B_BUTTON)) { reset(); } // Handle D-pad buttons for current mode if (controlMode == ANALOG) { modeAnalog(); } else { modeDigital(); } // Handle delay before button auto-repeat starts if ((delayCount != 0) && (--delayCount == 0)) { repeating = true; } renderScreen(); // Render and display the entire screen } // ======================================================================= // Analog control void modeAnalog() { if (arduboy.justPressed(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { valueInc(1); startButtonDelay(); } else if (arduboy.justPressed(LEFT_BUTTON)) { valueDec(1); startButtonDelay(); } else if (repeating && arduboy.pressed(RIGHT_BUTTON)) { valueInc(REPEAT_AMOUNT); } else if (repeating && arduboy.pressed(LEFT_BUTTON)) { valueDec(REPEAT_AMOUNT); } else if (arduboy.justPressed(DOWN_BUTTON)) { analogSelectInc(); } else if (arduboy.justPressed(UP_BUTTON)) { analogSelectDec(); } else if (repeating) { stopButtonRepeat(); } } // Digital control void modeDigital() { if (arduboy.justPressed(RIGHT_BUTTON) || arduboy.justPressed(LEFT_BUTTON)) { digitalState[digitalSelected] = (digitalState[digitalSelected] == RGB_ON) ? RGB_OFF : RGB_ON; arduboy.digitalWriteRGB(LEDpin[digitalSelected], digitalState[digitalSelected]); } else if (arduboy.justPressed(DOWN_BUTTON)) { digitalSelectInc(); } else if (arduboy.justPressed(UP_BUTTON)) { digitalSelectDec(); } } // Reset to analog mode and turn all LEDs off void reset() { digitalState[(byte)(Color::RED)] = RGB_OFF; digitalState[(byte)(Color::GREEN)] = RGB_OFF; digitalState[(byte)(Color::BLUE)] = RGB_OFF; digitalSet(); analogValue[(byte)(Color::RED)] = 0; analogValue[(byte)(Color::GREEN)] = 0; analogValue[(byte)(Color::BLUE)] = 0; analogSet(); digitalSelected = (byte)(Color::RED); analogSelected = (byte)(Color::RED); controlMode = ANALOG; } // Increment the selected analog LED value by the specified amount // and update the LED void valueInc(byte amount) { if ((ANALOG_MAX - analogValue[analogSelected]) <= amount) { analogValue[analogSelected] = ANALOG_MAX; } else { analogValue[analogSelected] += amount; } arduboy.setRGBled(LEDpin[analogSelected], analogValue[analogSelected]); } // Decrement the selected analog LED value by the specified amount // and update the LED void valueDec(byte amount) { if (analogValue[analogSelected] <= amount) { analogValue[analogSelected] = 0; } else { analogValue[analogSelected] -= amount; } arduboy.setRGBled(LEDpin[analogSelected], analogValue[analogSelected]); } // Select the next analog color index with wrap void analogSelectInc() { selectInc(analogSelected); } // Select the previous analog color index with wrap void analogSelectDec() { selectDec(analogSelected); } // Select the next digital color index with wrap void digitalSelectInc() { selectInc(digitalSelected); } // Select the previous digital color index with wrap void digitalSelectDec() { selectDec(digitalSelected); } // Select the next color index with wrap void selectInc(byte &index) { if (++index == (byte)(Color::COUNT)) { index = 0; } } // Select the previous color index with wrap void selectDec(byte &index) { if (index == 0) { index = ((byte)(Color::COUNT) - 1); } else { index--; } } // Update all LEDs in analog mode void analogSet() { arduboy.setRGBled(analogValue[(byte)(Color::RED)], analogValue[(byte)(Color::GREEN)], analogValue[(byte)(Color::BLUE)]); } // Update all LEDs in digital mode void digitalSet() { arduboy.digitalWriteRGB(digitalState[(byte)(Color::RED)], digitalState[(byte)(Color::GREEN)], digitalState[(byte)(Color::BLUE)]); } // Start the button auto-repeat delay void startButtonDelay() { delayCount = DELAY_FRAMES; repeating = false; } // Stop the button auto-repeat or delay void stopButtonRepeat() { delayCount = 0; repeating = false; } // Render and display the screen void renderScreen() { arduboy.setCursor(12, 0); arduboy.print(F("RGB LED")); arduboy.setCursor(15, 56); arduboy.print(F("A:Mode B:Reset")); arduboy.setCursor(74, 0); if (controlMode == ANALOG) { arduboy.print(F(" Analog")); drawAnalog(9, Color::RED, "Red:"); drawAnalog(25, Color::GREEN, "Green:"); drawAnalog(41, Color::BLUE, "Blue:"); } else { // Digital arduboy.print(F("Digital")); drawDigital(9, Color::RED, "Red:"); drawDigital(25, Color::GREEN, "Green:"); drawDigital(41, Color::BLUE, "Blue:"); } arduboy.display(CLEAR_BUFFER); } // Draw the information for one analog color void drawAnalog(int y, Color color, const char* name) { byte value = analogValue[(byte)color]; arduboy.setCursor(0, y); arduboy.print(name); arduboy.setCursor(42, y); printValue(value); if (analogSelected == (byte)color) { arduboy.print(F(" <--")); } drawBar(y + 8, color, value); } // Draw the value bar for an analog color void drawBar(int y, Color color, byte value) { byte barLength = value / 2; if (barLength == 0) { return; } if (analogSelected == (byte)color) { arduboy.fillRect(0, y, barLength, 5); } else { arduboy.drawRect(0, y, barLength, 5); } } // Draw the information for one digital color void drawDigital(int y, Color color, const char* name) { byte state = digitalState[(byte)color]; arduboy.setCursor(34, y + 3); arduboy.print(name); arduboy.setCursor(76, y + 3); if (state == RGB_ON) { arduboy.print(F("ON ")); arduboy.fillCircle(22, y + 6, 4); } else { arduboy.print(F("OFF")); arduboy.drawCircle(22, y + 6, 4); } if (digitalSelected == (byte)color) { arduboy.print(F(" <--")); arduboy.drawRect(16, y, 13, 13); } } // Print a byte in decimal and hex void printValue(byte val) { if (val < 100) { arduboy.print(' '); } if (val < 10) { arduboy.print(' '); } arduboy.print(val); arduboy.print(F(" 0x")); if (val < 0x10) { arduboy.print('0'); } arduboy.print(val, HEX); }