As Telegram is kinda questionable it's beneficial to get the notifications somewhere else as well. This bot can utilize Matterbridge's API to send notifications to many different chat platforms. Check the [Matterbridge API documentation]( to learn how to configure your existing MAtterbridge installation.
Tip: You can still have independent Telegram and Matterbridge notifications - simply set up an additional gateway in Matterbridge that pushes the messages to your non-telegram chat groups but omits the Telegram group to avoid duplicated messages. Those other chat groups can be the same as those where your regular messages are bridged - Matterbridge will handle that just fine without the need for duplicated bots etc.
To configure that set the `matterbridge` part of the config file with the following parameters:
-`uri` - URI to your Matterbridge's API
-`token` - Token that you've set up for yout Matterbridge API. Situation where this token is not configured is not taken into account.
-`gateway` - Set it to the same value that is set in the `name` parameter to your `[[gateway]]` in `matterbridge.toml`
-`username` - The username from which the alarm bot messages will appear to API.
-`arm-callbacks` - for an URL that will be requested when partition **0** is armed. Use `uri` to specify the URI that will be requested, and method to select which HTTP Method will be used (allowed values: `GET`, `POST`)
-`disarm-callbacks` - for an URL that will be requested when partition **0** is unarmed. Use `uri` to specify the URI that will be requested, and method to select which HTTP Method will be used (allowed values: `GET`, `POST`)
-`alarm-callbacks` - for an URL that will be requested when **any** partition alarm is activated. Use `uri` to specify the URI that will be requested, and method to select which HTTP Method will be used (allowed values: `GET`, `POST`)
It's possible to filter events by change type. Use the `allowed-types` part of the config file to do that. If that parameter is not provided, then all change types are allowed, otherwise only the provided ones will be used for notifications.
Use the `allowed-indexes` part of config file to set the list of allowed indexes. If that parameter is not provided, then all indexes are allowed; otherwise the notification is sent only for provided indexes.