# Hackerspace Wroclaw Alarm Bot [![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~michalr/hswro-alarm-bot.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~michalr/hswro-alarm-bot?) Warning: this is a proof of concept, don't rely on it I didn't even test it yet so no idea if it works ## Usage ``` $ TELEGRAM_APITOKEN=YOUR_API_TOKEN ./alarm_bot --satel_addr= --satel_port=31337 --tg_chat_id=YOUR_CHAT_ID_FROM_BOTFATHER ``` ### Filtering events by change type It's possible to filter events by change type. Use the `--allowed-types=TYPE1,TYPE2,...` command line parameter to do that. If that parameter is not provided, then all change types are allowed, otherwise only the provided ones will be used for notifications. Supported types are: - `zone-violation` - `zone-tamper` - `zone-alarm` - `zone-tamper-alarm` - `zone-alarm-memory` - `zone-tamper-alarm-memory` - `zone-bypass` - `zone-no-violation-trouble` - `zone-long-violation-trouble` - `armed-partition-suppressed` - `armed-partition` - `partition-armed-mode-2` - `partition-armed-mode-3` - `partition-with-1st-code-enter` - `partition-entry-time` - `partition-exit-time-over-10s` - `partition-exit-time-under-10s` - `partition-temporary-blocked` - `partition-blocked-guard-round` - `partition-alarm` - `partition-fire-alarm` - `partition-alarm-memory` - `partition-fire-alarm-memory` - `output` - `doors-opened` - `doors-opened-long` - `status-bit` - `trouble-part-1` - `trouble-part-2` - `trouble-part-3` - `trouble-part-4` - `trouble-part-5` - `trouble-memory-part-1` - `trouble-memory-part-2` - `trouble-memory-part-3` - `trouble-memory-part-4` - `trouble-memory-part-5` - `partition-with-violated-zones` - `zone-isolate` ## Debugging Set the `OMIT_TG` environment variable to, well, omit sending anything over to Telegram and just see the logs instead.