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2022-11-25 12:57:00 +00:00
* VF60 ESP8266 WiFi Driver
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
const char* ssid = "Internet of Shit";
const char* password = "The S in IoT stands for Security";
// NOTE: The value is not a Unicode codepoint but a byte sequence.
// Generated using https://www.acc.umu.se/~saasha/charsets/?charset=cp852&charset=cp852
unsigned char UTF8toCP852(uint32_t value)
switch (value) {
case 0xc387: return 0x80;
case 0xc3bc: return 0x81;
case 0xc3a9: return 0x82;
case 0xc3a2: return 0x83;
case 0xc3a4: return 0x84;
case 0xc5af: return 0x85;
case 0xc487: return 0x86;
case 0xc3a7: return 0x87;
case 0xc582: return 0x88;
case 0xc3ab: return 0x89;
case 0xc590: return 0x8a;
case 0xc591: return 0x8b;
case 0xc3ae: return 0x8c;
case 0xc5b9: return 0x8d;
case 0xc384: return 0x8e;
case 0xc486: return 0x8f;
case 0xc389: return 0x90;
case 0xc4b9: return 0x91;
case 0xc4ba: return 0x92;
case 0xc3b4: return 0x93;
case 0xc3b6: return 0x94;
case 0xc4bd: return 0x95;
case 0xc4be: return 0x96;
case 0xc59a: return 0x97;
case 0xc59b: return 0x98;
case 0xc396: return 0x99;
case 0xc39c: return 0x9a;
case 0xc5a4: return 0x9b;
case 0xc5a5: return 0x9c;
case 0xc581: return 0x9d;
case 0xc397: return 0x9e;
case 0xc48d: return 0x9f;
case 0xc3a1: return 0xa0;
case 0xc3ad: return 0xa1;
case 0xc3b3: return 0xa2;
case 0xc3ba: return 0xa3;
case 0xc484: return 0xa4;
case 0xc485: return 0xa5;
case 0xc5bd: return 0xa6;
case 0xc5be: return 0xa7;
case 0xc498: return 0xa8;
case 0xc499: return 0xa9;
case 0xc2ac: return 0xaa;
case 0xc5ba: return 0xab;
case 0xc48c: return 0xac;
case 0xc59f: return 0xad;
case 0xc2ab: return 0xae;
case 0xc2bb: return 0xaf;
case 0xe29691: return 0xb0;
case 0xe29692: return 0xb1;
case 0xe29693: return 0xb2;
case 0xe29482: return 0xb3;
case 0xe294a4: return 0xb4;
case 0xc381: return 0xb5;
case 0xc382: return 0xb6;
case 0xc49a: return 0xb7;
case 0xc59e: return 0xb8;
case 0xe295a3: return 0xb9;
case 0xe29591: return 0xba;
case 0xe29597: return 0xbb;
case 0xe2959d: return 0xbc;
case 0xc5bb: return 0xbd;
case 0xc5bc: return 0xbe;
case 0xe29490: return 0xbf;
case 0xe29494: return 0xc0;
case 0xe294b4: return 0xc1;
case 0xe294ac: return 0xc2;
case 0xe2949c: return 0xc3;
case 0xe29480: return 0xc4;
case 0xe294bc: return 0xc5;
case 0xc482: return 0xc6;
case 0xc483: return 0xc7;
case 0xe2959a: return 0xc8;
case 0xe29594: return 0xc9;
case 0xe295a9: return 0xca;
case 0xe295a6: return 0xcb;
case 0xe295a0: return 0xcc;
case 0xe29590: return 0xcd;
case 0xe295ac: return 0xce;
case 0xc2a4: return 0xcf;
case 0xc491: return 0xd0;
case 0xc490: return 0xd1;
case 0xc48e: return 0xd2;
case 0xc38b: return 0xd3;
case 0xc48f: return 0xd4;
case 0xc587: return 0xd5;
case 0xc38d: return 0xd6;
case 0xc38e: return 0xd7;
case 0xc49b: return 0xd8;
case 0xe29498: return 0xd9;
case 0xe2948c: return 0xda;
case 0xe29688: return 0xdb;
case 0xe29684: return 0xdc;
case 0xc5a2: return 0xdd;
case 0xc5ae: return 0xde;
case 0xe29680: return 0xdf;
case 0xc393: return 0xe0;
case 0xc39f: return 0xe1;
case 0xc394: return 0xe2;
case 0xc583: return 0xe3;
case 0xc584: return 0xe4;
case 0xc588: return 0xe5;
case 0xc5a0: return 0xe6;
case 0xc5a1: return 0xe7;
case 0xc594: return 0xe8;
case 0xc39a: return 0xe9;
case 0xc595: return 0xea;
case 0xc5b0: return 0xeb;
case 0xc3bd: return 0xec;
case 0xc39d: return 0xed;
case 0xc5a3: return 0xee;
case 0xc2b4: return 0xef;
case 0xc2ad: return 0xf0;
case 0xcb9d: return 0xf1;
case 0xcb9b: return 0xf2;
case 0xcb87: return 0xf3;
case 0xcb98: return 0xf4;
case 0xc2a7: return 0xf5;
case 0xc3b7: return 0xf6;
case 0xc2b8: return 0xf7;
case 0xc2b0: return 0xf8;
case 0xc2a8: return 0xf9;
case 0xcb99: return 0xfa;
case 0xc5b1: return 0xfb;
case 0xc598: return 0xfc;
case 0xc599: return 0xfd;
case 0xe296a0: return 0xfe;
case 0xc2a0: return 0xff;
default: return '?';
// Naive UTF8 parser based on: https://www.omarpolo.com/post/parsing-utf8.html
String UTF8toCP852(String s)
unsigned char result[20+1];
size_t len = 0;
for (int i=0; i<s.length() && len<20; i++) {
unsigned char c = s[i];
// Is it ASCII?
if ((c & 0x80) == 0) {
result[len++] = c;
// okay, it's a multibyte sequence
uint32_t value;
if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
// 2-byte sequence
value = (s[i] << 8) | (s[i+1]);
i += 1;
} else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
// 3-byte sequence
value = (s[i] << 16) | (s[i+1] << 8) | (s[i+2]);
i += 2;
} else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
// 4-byte sequence
value = (s[i] << 24) | (s[i+1] << 16) | (s[i+2] << 8) | (s[i+3]);
i += 3;
} else {
// this is not a UTF8 string :(
value = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// convert the sequence of UTF8 bytes into a CP852 value
result[len++] = UTF8toCP852(value);
// Pad to 20 bytes with spaces so the LCD is happy.
while (len < 20) {
result[len++] = ' ';
// Zero-terminate and return.
result[len] = '\0';
return String((char *) result);
class VF60 {
VF60(HardwareSerial &serial):
void begin()
void clear()
void home()
void codepage_852()
void brightness(int level)
void text(const String &line1, const String &line2)
HardwareSerial &port;
VF60 VF60(Serial);
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
void handleRoot() {
server.send(200, "text/plain",
"VF60 WiFi Driver\r\n"
"GET /display?line1=...&line2=... (use UTF-8 encoding)\r\n"
"GET /brightness?level=0..5\r\n"
void handleDisplay() {
String line1 = server.arg("line1");
String line2 = server.arg("line2");
if (!line1) line1 = String();
if (!line2) line2 = String();
VF60.text(line1, line2);
server.send(200, "text/plain", "OK");
void handleBrightness() {
String levelStr = server.arg("level");
if (levelStr) {
int level = levelStr.toInt();
server.send(200, "text/plain", "OK");
void setup()
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
VF60.text(String("12345678901234567890"), String("Zażółć Gęślą Jaźń"));
server.on("/", handleRoot);
server.on("/display", handleDisplay);
server.on("/brightness", handleBrightness);
void loop()