Based on Arduboy library V1.2 development as of April 2, 2016
- Class Arduboy2 replaces class Arduboy.
- Removed files ab_printer.h and ab_printer.cpp. Integrated their
functionality into class Arduboy2 (as with Arduboy V1.1).
- Added new text functions:
- getCursorX(), getCursorY() to get the current cursor position.
- setTextColor(), setTextBackground() to allow inverted text
(black on white).
- clear() is overridden to set the cursor to 0, 0 in addition to clearing
the screen buffer.
- New Class: Arduboy2Base which contains most of the Arduboy functions and
is inherited by Arduboy2. It doesn't inherit Print, and doesn't include
text display and cursor control functions. Using it instead of Arduboy2,
in sketches that don't use text functions, frees up some code space.
- Function drawChar() is in Arduboy2 instead of Arduboy2Base.
- Made setRGBled() static. Not making it static was an oversight.
("Tunes" functions are still moved to the separate ArduboyPlaytune library,
as they were in Arduboy V1.2)
previosly timing was calculating the next frame based on now + duration
when the correct timing should have been last_frame + duration.
This would have the effect of slowing the game down the higher your CPU
usage. A 0% CPU usage game would play at the request frame rate,
but a 100% CPU usage game would play at only half the requested frame rate.
(RR is render time below)
Timing with the bug:
60FPs requested, 35FPs actual, 3 frames, 87ms.
| 29ms | 29ms | 29ms |
| RR 12ms + 17ms sleep | RR 12ms + 17ms sleep | RR 12ms + 17ms sleep |
Timing after the fix:
60FPs, 60FPs actual, 3 frames, 51ms.
| 17ms | 17ms | 17ms |
| RR 12ms + sleep | RR 12ms + sleep | RR 12ms + sleep |
After this fix you may need to change your games timing mechanics or
adjust your frame rate (to slow things back down). Your game will run
faster after this fix, even if you were using "100% CPU" before.
Scroll down "Arduboy" logo was removed because the library now
provides a similar logo.
setup() and loop() moved to the beginning of the code.
Minor changes and cleanup.