
7.3 KiB

Cabi - Compress Arduboy Image

A command line program to read a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file containing a bitmap image, compress it using RLE encoding and convert it to C/C++ code suitable for use with the Team A.R.G. drawCompressed() function. This function is included in the Arduboy2 library.

Written by zep

Contributed to Team A.R.G.

This program uses code from the LodePNG project by Lode Vandevenne to read and decode PNG files.

This version of Cabi is maintained as part of the Arduboy2 library so that it remains available since the demise of Team A.R.G.

Building the program

Pre-built executable code is not provided due to the difficulty of maintaining versions for all the many operating systems that it could be run on.

The code is written in C and should compile properly using any ANSI C99 compatible compiler, such as (but not limited to) gcc or clang.

Build examples

To build from a copy of the cabi directory tree provided, while in the base directory containing cabi.c use:

gcc cabi.c lodepng/lodepng.c -o cabi


clang cabi.c lodepng/lodepng.c -o cabi

For Windows, it may be more desirable to name the program CABI.EXE by using:


Compiler options for optimization, etc. (such as -O2 or -Os) can be added if desired but likely won't make much difference for most uses.


The binary executable file (cabi or CABI.EXE) should be placed somewhere in the path for executables on the operating system used, or else include the path as part of the command given.

Running Cabi without any parameters will just output a brief program description and the usage syntax:

cabi - Compress Arduboy Image
Convert a PNG file into RLE encoded C/C++ source
for use with Arduboy2 drawCompressed()

usage: cabi in.png [array_name_prefix]

For in.png substitute the name of the PNG file to be converted. If the file isn't in the current directory, the full path and name can be specified.

For [array_name_prefix] an optional prefix for the names of the arrays created can be given. If this parameter isn't provided, compressed_image will be used for the prefix.

If the program is unable to produce proper output, an error message will be given and a non-zero exit code will be returned.

Input file decoding

The input file should be a PNG file containing the image to be converted. The height of the image must be a multiple of 8 pixels (8, 16, 24, 32, ...). The width can be any size.

The image will be translated to a raw array of 32 bit RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) pixels internally before being processed to output. Ideally, pixels that are to be drawn (represented as a 1 in the image output) should be fully white. Non-drawn (0) pixels should be fully black. Pixels intended to be masked out of the image (represented as a 0 in both the image and mask output), should be fully transparent and their color doesn't matter.

However, after translation to RGBA, any pixel with an alpha (opaqueness) value of 127 or less will be set as non-drawn (0) for both the image and the mask. For the image, after the alpha value is first taken into account, pixels with a red color value greater than 127 will be set as drawn (1) and others will be set as non-drawn (0). For the mask, only the alpha value is used and red is ignored. Green and blue color values are ignored for both image and mask.

To summarize:

For the image:

Green and blue are ignored.

Alpha Red Output
<= 127 <= 127 0
<= 127 > 127 0
> 127 <= 127 0
> 127 > 127 1

For the mask:

Red, green and blue are ignored.

Alpha Output
<= 127 0
> 127 1


Cabi will send all output to stdout, which is usually the console unless redirected. To save the output, you may be able to copy and paste it into your editor, or you can redirect stdout to a file for importing. For example:

cabi PlayerSprite.png PlayerSprite > PlayerSprite.out

If conversion is successful, the output will be text representing C/C++ code for two arrays, an image and a mask, that can be included in a sketch for use by the drawCompressed() function. The image array will be named the same as the prefix. The mask name will be the prefix with _mask appended to it.

Along with the actual array text, a comment will be included before each array giving the input file name used and the dimensions of the image. A comment included after each array will give the size of the array and the compression ratio compared to the non-compressed equivalent (although the ratio is based on the compressed array including two bytes for the bitmap dimensions compared to a non-compressed array without bitmap dimensions).

Note that it's possible that the "compressed" array will actually end up larger than the equivalent non-compressed one would. This is indicated by a compression ratio greater than 1. The ratio should be noted and taken into account when determining whether using Cabi compressed bitmaps is suitable for the intended purpose.

If masking isn't required, the mask array can be ignored or deleted.

Note that the usage message or any error message will also be sent to stdout, rather than stderr. Therefore, if you redirect the output to a file, in this case the file will contain only that text.

Using the output with drawCompressed()

The Arduboy2 drawCompressed() function doesn't natively handle a mask for "transparent" pixels in an image. However, masking can be accomplished by calling drawCompressed() twice with the same coordinates. The first call specifies the mask array and the color BLACK. The second call specifies the image array and the color WHITE.

An example PNG bitmap named sample.png is included with the program. Here is an example Arduboy sketch that draws this bitmap with masking, using the Cabi output imported into the sketch.

#include <Arduboy2.h>

Arduboy2 arduboy;

// ===== Cabi output =====
// sample.png  width: 32 height: 32
const PROGMEM uint8_t sample[] = {
// bytes:113 ratio: 0.883

const PROGMEM uint8_t sample_mask[] = {
// bytes:73 ratio: 0.570
// =======================

void setup() {

void loop() {

  arduboy.drawCompressed(20, 10, sample_mask, BLACK);
  arduboy.drawCompressed(20, 10, sample, WHITE);
