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# Jekyll Serif Theme
Serif is a modern business theme for Jekyll. It contains multiple content types for a typical brochure/marketing website. The theme is fully responsive, blazing fast and artfully illustrated.
[Live Demo](https://jekyll-serif.netlify.app/) |
[Zerostatic Themes](https://www.zerostatic.io)
<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zerostatic" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-yellow.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 60px !important;width: 217px !important;" ></a>
![Jekyll Serif Theme screenshot](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/jekyll-serif/jekyll-serif-screenshot.png)
### Theme features
- Jekyll 4.2
- Netlify & Github Pages ready
- Services (Collection)
- Team (Collection)
- Features (Data)
- Beautifully offset illustrations in the hero section, can be substitued with regular images/photos as well
- 100% Responsive design, animated hamburger and mobile slide in menu
- Bootstrap 4.6 - **Only the bootstrap grid and utilites are imported by default. If you want to use more of the Boostrap library you can uncomment the `@import` in `style.scss`**
- 100/100 Google Lighthouse speed score
- 100/100 Google Lighthouse seo score
- 100/100 Google Lighthouse accessibility score
- 100/100 Google Lighthouse best practices score
- Under 50KB without images or 80KB with images and illustrations ⚡
- Under 20KB without Google fonts ⚡⚡⚡
- Robust example content included
- Royalty free illustrations included
## Installation
### Installing Ruby & Jekyll
If this is your first time using Jekyll, please follow the [Jekyll docs](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/) and make sure your local environment (including Ruby) is setup correctly.
### Installing Theme
Download or clone the theme.
To run the theme locally, navigate to the theme directory and run:
bundle install
To start the Jekyll local development server.
bundle exec jekyll serve
To build the theme.
bundle exec jekyll build
## Deployment
### Netlify
Use Netlify to deploy this theme. This theme contains a valid and tested `netlify.toml` - Feel free to use the 1-click deploy below.
[![Deploy to Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/img/deploy/button.svg)](https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/zerostaticthemes/jekyll-serif-theme)
### Github Pages
This theme has been tested to work with Github Pages (and Github Project Pages). When using Github Pages you will need to update the `baseurl` in the `_config.yml` otherwise all the css, images and paths will be broken.
For example the site https://zerostaticthemes.github.io/jekyll-serif-theme would have `baseurl: "/jekyll-serif-theme/"`
## Extras
### License
- You cannot create ports of this theme
- You cannot re-sell this theme
### Credits
- Beautiful royalty free Illustrations by Icons8 - https://icons8.com/illustrations/style--pixeltrue
- Stock images by Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/
- Feature icons by Noun Project - https://thenounproject.com/
## Support My Work
I've been building open source themes for all the main static site generators for over 4 years now. My premium themes allow me to continue to allocate time to maintain, improve and build new open source themes.
1. Leave a star ⭐🙏🏻
2. Mention this theme on twitter [@zerostaticio](https://twitter.com/zerostaticio) 📢
3. Purchase a premium theme 🔥
### All Jekyll Themes by Zerostatic
- [Jekyll Serif (Open Source)](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/jekyll-serif/)
- [Jekyll Atlantic (Open Source)](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/jekyll-atlantic/)
- [Jekyll Advance (Premium)](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/jekyll-advance/)
- [Jekyll Origin (Premium)](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/jekyll-origin/)
- [Jekyll Curate (Premium)](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/jekyll-curate/)
🇦🇺 **Made in Australia** by Robert Austin