
370 lines
9.4 KiB

stackbitVersion: ~0.3.0
ssgName: jekyll
ssgVersion: "4.1"
buildCommand: bundle exec jekyll build
publishDir: '_site'
staticDir: 'assets'
uploadDir: 'images'
dataDir: '_data'
pagesDir: ''
pageLayoutKey: null
- site_menu_item.weight
- service.weight
- team.weight
type: config
label: Config
- type: string
name: title
required: true
- type: string
name: baseurl
hidden: true
- type: string
name: permalink
label: Permalink
description: 'The output path for your pages, posts, or collections.'
default: '/posts/:slug:output_ext'
hidden: true
- type: string
name: google_analytics_id
- type: object
name: homepage
- type: boolean
name: show_call_box
- type: object
name: logo
- type: image
name: desktop
required: true
- type: image
name: mobile
- type: string
name: desktop_height
- type: object
name: footer
- type: string
name: copyright_text
- type: object
name: seo
- type: string
name: meta_description
label: meta_description
- type: string
name: meta_og_title
label: meta_og_title
- type: string
name: meta_og_type
label: meta_og_type
- type: string
name: meta_og_url
label: meta_og_url
- type: string
name: meta_og_image
label: meta_og_image
- type: string
name: meta_og_description
label: meta_og_description
- type: string
name: meta_twitter_card
label: meta_twitter_card
- type: string
name: meta_twitter_site
label: meta_twitter_site
- type: string
name: meta_twitter_creator
label: meta_twitter_creator
- type: object
name: collections
- type: object
name: services
- type: boolean
name: output
- type: string
name: permalink
- type: object
name: team
- type: boolean
name: output
- type: string
name: permalink
- type: object
name: sass
label: Sass
hidden: true
- type: number
name: indentWidth
label: Indent Width
description: >-
Used to determine the number of spaces or tabs to be used for
default: 4
- type: enum
name: style
label: Output Style
description: Determines the output format of the final CSS style.
- nested
- expanded
- compact
- compressed
default: nested
- type: number
name: precision
label: Precision
description: >-
Used to determine how many digits after the decimal will be
default: 10
- type: list
name: plugins
label: Plugins
hidden: true
- type: list
name: exclude
label: Exclude
description: Exclude directories and/or files from the conversion.
hidden: true
type: object
label: Site Menus
description: >-
Site menus model, defines list of menus that can be specified from within
site configuration
- type: list
name: main
label: Main menu
description: List of items for Main menu
type: model
- site_menu_item
- type: list
name: footer
label: Footer menu
description: List of items for Footer menu
type: model
- site_menu_item
type: object
label: Site Menu Item
labelField: name
description: 'Site menu item model, defines fields for a single site menu item'
- type: string
name: identifier
label: Identifier
description: >-
The identifier of a menu item could be used as a parent menu of
another menu item
- type: string
name: name
label: Title
description: The title of the menu item
required: true
- type: string
name: url
label: URL
description: The URL the menu item links to
required: true
- type: number
name: weight
label: Weight
description: Position for sorting
- type: string
name: parent
label: Parent Menu Identifier
description: The parent of an entry should be the identifier of another entry.
type: page
label: Home
file: index.md
hideContent: false
singleInstance: true
- type: string
name: title
label: Title
required: true
- type: string
name: description
- type: image
name: intro_image
label: Intro Image
description: Image displayed at in the pages intro section
- type: boolean
name: intro_image_absolute
label: Overflow intro image
description: Should the image overflow or be contained
- type: boolean
name: intro_image_hide_on_mobile
label: Hide the intro image on mobile
description: Hide the intro image on mobile screen sizes
- type: enum
name: layout
- label: home
value: home
type: page
label: Basic Page
match: '*.md'
exclude: index.md
- type: string
name: title
label: Title
description: The title of the page.
- type: date
name: date
label: Date
- type: enum
name: layout
- label: page
value: page
- label: contact
value: contact
- type: enum
name: menu
label: Menu
- label: Main Menu
value: main
- label: Footer Menu
value: footer
- type: string
name: bodyClass
type: page
label: Service
folder: _services
- type: string
name: title
- type: date
name: date
- type: boolean
name: draft
- type: boolean
name: featured
- type: number
name: weight
- type: enum
name: layout
- label: service
value: service
type: page
label: Services Overview
file: services.md
singleInstance: true
- type: string
name: title
label: Title
description: The title of the page.
required: true
- type: image
name: intro_image
label: Intro Image
description: Image displayed at in the pages intro section
- type: boolean
name: intro_image_absolute
label: Intro Image Position
description: Should the image overflow or be contained
- type: boolean
name: intro_image_hide_on_mobile
label: Intro Image Hide On Mobile
description: Hide the intro image on mobile screen sizes
- type: enum
name: layout
- label: services
value: services
type: page
label: Team
folder: _team
- type: string
name: title
label: Title
- type: date
name: date
label: Date
- type: image
name: image
label: Image
- type: string
name: jobtitle
label: Job Title
- type: string
name: linkedinurl
label: Linkedin URL
- type: string
name: Twitterhandle
label: Twitter handle
- type: boolean
name: draft
label: Draft
- type: boolean
name: featured
label: Featured
- type: number
name: weight
label: Weight
- type: boolean
name: promoted
label: Promoted
- type: enum
name: layout
- label: team
value: team
type: page
label: Team Overview
file: team.md
singleInstance: true
- type: string
name: title
label: Title
description: The title of the page.
required: true
- type: image
name: intro_image
label: Intro Image
description: Image displayed at in the pages intro section
- type: boolean
name: intro_image_absolute
label: Intro Image Position
description: Should the image overflow or be contained
- type: boolean
name: intro_image_hide_on_mobile
label: Intro Image Hide On Mobile
description: Hide the intro image on mobile screen sizes
- type: string
name: permalink
- type: enum
name: layout
- label: teams
value: teams